Author name: Isaac Phillips

Private sector investment and job creation in fragile states – Washington DC (am 19 April 2013)

The Private sector investment and job creation in fragile states event will be organised by IFC, g7+ with support of Denmark, It is part of the World Bank/IMF spring meetings in Washington DC, and will discuss engaging the private sector in the New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States. For more information please visit the …

Private sector investment and job creation in fragile states – Washington DC (am 19 April 2013) Read More »

World Bank/IMF Spring Meetings – Washington DC (19-21 April 2013)

Each Spring, thousands of government officials, journalists, civil society organizations, and invited participants from the academia and private sectors, gather in Washington DC for the Spring Meetings of the World Bank and the IMF. At the heart of the gathering are meetings of the joint World Bank-IMF Development Committe and the IMF’s International Monetary and …

World Bank/IMF Spring Meetings – Washington DC (19-21 April 2013) Read More »

Somalia launches “New Deal” Task Force to strengthen new system of aid delivery

The Somali government has launched a “New Deal” Task Force to work on the implementation of a radical new system of aid delivery agreed with international partners. “As a government we welcome the New Deal and what it represents for Somalia and other countries that have been affected by conflict,” said the Minister of Information …

Somalia launches “New Deal” Task Force to strengthen new system of aid delivery Read More »

Global Partnership Steering Committee (22-23 March 2013)

The Steering Committee of the Global Partnership convened for its first meeting in London 5-6 December 2012 (summary). Co-Chaired by Ministers Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala (Nigeria), Armida Alisjahbana (Indonesia) and Justine Greening (UK), the meeting framed the broad vision for the Global Partnership. The Co-Chairs’ letter, sent out to the members of the Global Partnership on January 5th …

Global Partnership Steering Committee (22-23 March 2013) Read More »

Working Differently In Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations: The Asian Development Bank Experience

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has reviewed its experience to identify ways to work effectively in settings of conflict and Fragility. Consult the findings in their recent publication : ‘Working differently in fragile and conflict-affected situations.’ Developing Asia on the whole has enjoyed a couple of decades of high economic growth and significant transformation. In …

Working Differently In Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations: The Asian Development Bank Experience Read More »

Third Global Meeting of the International Dialogue Washington DC (19 April 2013)

“The New Deal: Achieving better results and shaping the post-2015 global agenda.” The time has come for increased action. As peace and security remain top priorities of political leaders, whilst the global development agenda is being re-defined and financial constraints demand concrete results on the ground, this meeting will provide strategic direction to ensure the …

Third Global Meeting of the International Dialogue Washington DC (19 April 2013) Read More »

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